امام ابوالحسن الاشعریؒ بطورمتکلم: تحقیقی جائزہ


  • Shabir Ahmed PhD Student, Department of Islamic Studies, University of The Punjab Lahore


Necessary and obligatory, deficiency and defect


It is necessary and obligatory for a Muslim to know the beliefs, because the success of the Hereafter depends on it, and the whole building of Islam is established on the foundations of beliefs, and the stronger the foundation, the more stable and durable the building is. remains, if there is maturity in belief, then the performance of actions becomes easier, but at this time the biggest deficiency and defect in the Ummah is that the large section of the Ummah is completely ignorant and unfamiliar with the beliefs, rather the western culture, Because of civilization and heinous conspiracies, there are doubts about beliefs, that is why they are far behind in the implementation of Islamic requirements, today it is more than ninety percent and there are Muslims who are far from Islamic demands. , and they don't even realize it and that is the real reason for our failure, and humiliation.


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