Aims & Scope

Aims & Scope

Al-Bayyina Vision:

Al-Bayyina   vision is to stimulate research in the field of discourses on philosophy, religion, cultural thought, and theological exchange of ideas, to open up new avenues for debate and discussion about contemporary religious and cultural thought and practice.


The aim of the Journal is to bring to the fore standard research in the field of discourses on philosophy, religion, cultural thought, and theological exchange of ideas. The purpose is to consider the various aspects of the problems facing contemporary Muslim societies and to suggest solutions in the context of modern theoretical issues, so that scholars, without any professional, national or cultural chauvinism, may produce a balanced, tolerant and fruitful Progressive conversations. Furthermore;

  1. To provide an authentic research platform for the contributors of Religious Studies.
  2. To deliver a Standard Research analysis of Contemporary Intellectual Issues.
  3. To offers an effective podium for publishing research-oriented endeavours in the social sciences.
  4. To runs free and direct access to its contents under the principle of wider global sharing of knowledge.
  5. To publish research oriented verified data in accordance with the guidelines and standards of Higher Education Commission, Pakistan.


The scope of the journal has been deliberately widened so that comprehensive research in the context of social, natural, cultural sciences as well as Eastern and Western ideas on religious theology can come to light so that human problems can be understood and their practical solutions be possible. " Al-Bayyina  " accepts standard articles as a trilingual research journal. Book Reviews are also published on Muslim works and biographies. In order to foster a scholarly relationship in academic and social circles. The  journal covers the fields of;

  • Qur’ānic Sciences
  • Hadith Studies
  • Islamic Philosophy, Law, History and Society
  • Islamic Literature and its Origins
  • Muslim Societies
  • Religious & Liberal Theologies and its discourses
  • Oriental and Occidental Studies in the context of Muslims
  • Comparative Religions
  • Modernity and Post-modernity
  • Postcolonial Studies and Muslims Studies

Distinctive Features:

  • Open access
  • Double-blind peer-review
  • OJS as Journal Management System
  • DOI and QR of articles
  • Proofreading, reference checking and formatting services
  • International circulation
  • Submission in online repositories
  • Acceptance letter
  • Complementary hard copy

Key Audience:

Educators, Professors, Muslim Researchers, International Religious Forums, Students of Cultural Studies